Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Komodo Edit

Wow, I've found a new editor! Ok, there are tons of text/programmers editors out there, but since I left my dear old Mac-world and the beloved BBEdit, I never really felt at home with text editors on Windows. By now my favourite is SciTE and it is my favourite editor that I install on every windows-box I use. SciTE is very small, flexible, it has syntax coloring, handle multiple open files and so on, but it cannot handle projects unless you use some external tool. I usually work with Visual Studio 2005 and I love its features (syntax highlighting, hints, tab completion, etc. etc): so working in XULRunner with a bare bones text editor was a bit hard and not so pleasant. Today I've stumbled upon Komodo Edit by ActiveState. I always appreciated the hard work on ActiveState in making ActivePython, one of the best Python distribution, at least on Windows, some useful extensions packed as defaults, good and extensive on line help, well a really nice working environment. Now they are releasing this Komodo Edit for free: it is an advanced code editor with syntax highlighting, editing tips, project management features, etc.
What bought me, despite the big sized download, it is that there are hints when you edit XUL files! Hitting space after a XUL tag (button. description, etc.) makes a nice popup appear with the list of possible attributes! For me it is a killer feature that will save many "trips" to the XUL reference! I appreciate the same feature in Visual Studio and I can tell you that it is a great time saver (it helps avoiding misspellings) and it is really useful when you are just learning a new language or environment because it makes exploring easier.
Furthermore Komodo Edit uses Mozilla as a platform, making it a nice tool to use.
So, download it and give it a try.

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